Monday, August 30, 2010

The Fall Classic

I love the really cool "R" that Mom and I found for the mantle. However, it's a little short in comparison to the monster clock and tall black bird. We decided that a few books would look good under the letter. Mom found a few that have meaning in our family and I was going to shop around online to see what I could find.

Then somehow on Friday night, Chris and I go to talking decided that I have not read enough literary classics. For the remainder of the year, we are going to read together (but individually), like a book club. That's when it hit me! Wouldn't Catcher in the Rye, To Kill a Mocking Bird, Huckleberry Finn and Little Women look FANTASTIC under the "R"? I sure think so!

So, for the foreseeable future I will balance my free time between "Barefoot Running" and "To Kill a Mockingbird". All this reading makes me wonder why we even pay for TV!

And by the way, Barnes & Noble carries nice looking hardback versions of these books as well as $8 paperbacks.

And Lisa K., I bought the Vibram's yesterday. I think I love them already!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray!! :-)

    By "Barefoot Running" do you mean "Born to Run", or is there a different book I should put on my list? (I try to shop at our local bookstore - they can order anything, but don't have a great selection for me to "stumble" upon a good new book.)

    Let me know how you like walking "barefoot"!
