Monday, March 28, 2011

Friends, Family, Mentors and Heroes

I update my iGoogle homepage frequently with a countdown timer that keeps me excited for events and vacations. In 47 days, 20 hours, 57 minutes and 12 seconds (give or take a few minutes & seconds for writing time!) I will be running 13.1 miles.

I want to start by saying, Lisa K., I know this is hard to read (assuming you are reading it) but there is something you should and my cousin Allison are HUGE inspirations to me. You are true runners. Your love of running, for a long time, I thought was a little crazy. But now I get it. Lisa K., I am so sorry that your love has been taken away from you for a while, but you will get it back. Alli and Lisa, thanks for being my mentors and heroes, friends and family. Maybe this fall we can all run together...Whether it's around the river or around the block makes no difference to me.

On Saturday, my long run was 6 miles, and I ran all of them without stopping (except for 2 stoplights) and finished in 1 hour, 14 minutes, 5 seconds. While I am not setting any land speed records or shattering any 6 mile run records, I am breaking my own records left and right!

With every passing long run, I run longer and farther than I ever have before. And with every run I fall deeper and deeper in love with running. I had no idea I had it in me. I figured I had the determination, but didn't think I'd actually like it, let alone love it this much!

As I think about this coming Saturday, I get a little excited. Not only will I turn 35 on Saturday, I will also run 7 miles for the first time in my life. That's more than half the distance I need to run in 47 days and is more than three times the distance I had ever run before (who am I kidding, before training I had never run two whole miles!). I so wholeheartedly KNOW that I can do this and hope that I get to do it again and again and again.

So, with that, Lisa, as you continue your journey back to your wings, thanks for being one of mine.


  1. What a nice post! I know you can do all you set out to do. You always have. I am proud of you for that. Keep it up!!

  2. Jenna,
    I am so happy that you have grown to also love running, and that I have been able to be an inspiration for you. Through the past ten years or so (through two pregnancies and the early baby years that follow) I have been in very different stages of my running and "being in shape", but I can say with certainty that no matter where I was with my running......running 10 miles or running just a couple, there is NOTHING more refreshing, head clearing and stress relieving for me than going out for a run outside. I am so excited for you in meeting and exceeding the running goals that you had set for yourself. I didn't expect anything less. And, yes, I am definitely up for a run sometime when you happen to be in town...just let me know.

  3. OK, once I dried my eyes, I really enjoyed this blog. I am with your mom, I knew you could do it; Braver, Stronger, Smarter!

    I don't get running, but I sure envy Allison, Lisa and you, to have such passion.

    May the wind be always at your back!

  4. Jenna, I'm all teary-eyed! I'm so glad you've "gotten" it! Don't feel bad for me, I ran for six whole minutes yesterday, and each week I can add a little more time.

    Thank you for thinking of me as one of your "wing girls", and yes, I think a fall run sounds WONDERFUL!!
